2  Julia Plots Test

2.1 Plots

using Plots

2.2 Makie

  • https://docs.makie.org/stable/tutorials/basic-tutorial/
using GLMakie # All functionality is defined in Makie and every backend re-exports Makie

Base.@kwdef mutable struct Lorenz
    dt::Float64 = 0.01
    σ::Float64 = 10
    ρ::Float64 = 28
    β::Float64 = 8/3
    x::Float64 = 1
    y::Float64 = 1
    z::Float64 = 1

function step!(l::Lorenz)
    dx = l.σ * (l.y - l.x)
    dy = l.x * (l.ρ - l.z) - l.y
    dz = l.x * l.y - l.β * l.z
    l.x += l.dt * dx
    l.y += l.dt * dy
    l.z += l.dt * dz
    Point3f(l.x, l.y, l.z)

attractor = Lorenz()

points = Observable(Point3f[]) # Signal that can be used to update plots efficiently
colors = Observable(Int[])


fig, ax, l = lines(points, color = colors,
    colormap = :inferno, transparency = true, 
    axis = (; type = Axis3, protrusions = (0, 0, 0, 0), 
              viewmode = :fit, limits = (-30, 30, -30, 30, 0, 50)))

record(fig, "lorenz.mp4", 1:120) do frame
    for i in 1:50
        # update arrays inplace
        push!(points[], step!(attractor))
        push!(colors[], frame)
    ax.azimuth[] = 1.7pi + 0.3 * sin(2pi * frame / 120) # set the view angle of the axis
    notify(points); notify(colors) # tell points and colors that their value has been updated
    l.colorrange = (0, frame) # update plot attribute directly
using Base64

function display_mp4(filename)
    display("text/html", string("""<video autoplay controls><source src="data:video/x-m4v;base64,""",
    Base64.base64encode(open(read,filename)),"""" type="video/mp4"></video>"""))
display_mp4 (generic function with 1 method)
f = Figure()
ax = Axis(f[1, 1])
x = range(0, 10, length=100)
y = sin.(x)
lines!(ax, x, y)